The CherYsh Community Kitchens

The Serve and Lead Training: Experience of client engagement

A feedback system was instituted by CherYsh to enable women to engage directly with the buyer on aspects of quality. The Canteen Manager and staff at the local sugar factory of the EID Parry group, welcomed women of the Community Kitchens to their conference room. The factory team conveyed that workers eating at the canteen had appreciated the “home-made” and “tasteful” flavor, also that the products were “unadulterated”. These aspects, they added, are unique and should be sustained at the Community Kitchens. Chitra from the Community Kitchen, later having lunch at the factory canteen, with the CherYsh members, was delighted to see the place where her efforts are showcased. “I want everyone who eats here to enjoy our preparations, and then speak about it in the village (Jogankoppa, where she lives, and works at the CherYsh Community Kitchen).”

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