Continuous learning and skill enhancement was delivered through the SaLT session. Mr. Chandrasekariah, experienced Trainer from Buzz India, delivered the sessions on financial literacy. The sessions gave women greater insight, and practical skills to understand basics of enterprise, qualities of an entrepreneur, family budgeting, receipts and payments, financial goal setting, loan management and so on.
Keeping the kitchens earning
Women of the Community Kitchens took up new orders and prepared for increase in sales. Local sales were generated in village neighbourhoods. In addition, new orders were developed from Ramdurg and Bagalokot factories of EID Parry. Laddoos were delivered to around 1000 children at the Shikshas.
Over 85 kg. of various food products were delivered to the Bagalkot and Haliyal, EID-Parry canteens. All meals for the training sessions were catered for by members of the Community Kitchens.
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