Baseline evaluation of all Learning Facilitators was completed. The assessment was used to evaluate 36 candidates from 21 villages, and enlist them as Trainee Learning Facilitators (LF). These trainees joined the existing LF group to take up training on the Active Rural Curriculum. On successful completion of training, the LFs will be certified based on command over the content taught. The trained Learning Facilitators will anchor the Shikshas in the newly identified villages.
Participatory Planning and Training
Dr. Lalitha Appachu, experienced trainer, coached the LFs on new modules as part of the Active Rural Curriculum. The refreshed content included audio-visual aids, phonics, and elements from the English textbook used in school. Planning exercises were conducted to enable LFs to commit to a shared calendar for training. The sessions were designed to ensure participatory planning and collective learning. The modules ensured interactivity, and the practice of content delivery. Methodologies to include music and sport were reviewed. Fifty one trainees, including the 26 Learning Facilitators who currently anchor the Shikshas, attended the training sessions.
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